24 uur West - Dansen Tussen de Boeken en Ambient Sounds

25mei19:3022:3024 uur West - Dansen Tussen de Boeken en Ambient Sounds

Evenement Details

Cafe Belcampo/OBA join 24uur West with a spectacular program!

Entrance is free and you can come in and out as you like (between pieces)

In Café Belcampo: 20:00-21:20
Ambient music by Sing the Body Electronic & Friends

Sing the Body Electronic is back, this time at Cafe Belcampo, infusing the present space with sonic remnants from De Hallen’s industrial past. Through a combination of archival and live sounds, Cafe Belcampo will become a space where multiple periods of time can co-exist.
Musicians: Amedeo, Jason, Raiyu and Gael

In the library 19:30-22:00:
Dancers from 5 countries who dance at the Henny Jurriëns Studio perform solos duets and group works, including the premiere of a dance exchange project with Morocco called 25/7 ! See program below

Food will be served!
Titsout4snacks is an all-female food collective based in Amsterdam, established at university in 2019. Since then, they have been known to organise soul-nourishing concept dinners in locations around the city such as farms, art galleries, and club venues. For 24h West, they are specially preparing snacks for Cafe Belcampo.

Program- see below  times are approximate.

Time Piece Artists
19:30 25/7 Dancers: idad Awab, Ali El Kihal, Fatima Joudairi and Medhi Reffouh Choreography by Hanane Soltani and Linde Wagemakers  (Marocco/NL)
20:15 Creature Body Amir Montenaggi (Italy)
20:20 Plenty of Nuthin Jae Eun Jung (Korea) en Kayleigh Smerud (USA) choreography Carmen Rozestraten (NL/USA)
20:25 Solo Chapter One Jason Gwen  (NL)
20:35 ¿are you okay up there? Beatrice Pellizzato/ (Italy) Silke Kloostermann (NL)
20:45 RE:set Ilja Geelen (NL)
21:05 I’ll be back someday Lucinda Zastrocky  (USA)
21:30 25/7 Zie boven
22:00 Aftertalk


Description of the piece 25/7

What would an extra hour mean for you? Do you crave more or cherish what you have? Does it excite you with possibilities or weigh you down with responsibilities?  ‘25/7’ explores these thoughts, taking you on a poetic journey through time and longing. As the performance unfolds the dancers move gracefully, making time feel real, which prompts reflection on how time shapes our emotions. Through expressive movements, ‘25/7’ goes beyond dance. It’s a deep look at being human, and invites you to ponder what makes a meaningful life in the span of time.


Choreography and concept: Hanane Soltani and Linde Wagemakers in collaboration with the dancers
Dancers: Widad Awab, Ali El Kihal, Fatima Joudairi and Medhi Reffouh
Music composition: Hanane Soltani, Linde Wagemakers and Ami Ne
Styling: Hanane Soltani and Linde Wagemakers
Lights and technical support: Yassine Wahssine

Made possible by The Olive Writers, American Arts Center, Henny Jurriëns Studio and the Dutch Embassy in Morocco







25 mei 2024 19:30 - 22:30(GMT+00:00)