The Freelancer Talk x Event

12mrt18:0023:00The Freelancer Talk x Event

Evenement Details

The  Freelancer Talk x event in the cultural and creative city of Amsterdam!
 Freelancer Talk x Amsterdam is a fun and casual meet-up for artists, creators, and innovators of all disciplines. The event is an excellent opportunity to make new connections and expand your creative network. Besides some networking and some dancing, there will be a special program including a series of ‘Freelancer Talks’ given by field experts and ‘Braintank’ discussion panels.
The Henny Jurriëns Studio as an official partner and are excited to share that the event will be held in Cafe Belcampo at cultural hub De Hallen Amsterdam.
A ‘Freelancer Talk’ is a live presentation on a topic, concept, or idea related to freelancing in the creative industry.
A ‘Braintank’ is a live discussion panel in which participants may engage in the conversation and share opinions, insights, or maybe even struggles.
We will be announcing our speakers and discussion topics in the weeks leading up to the event.
Make sure to book your free ticket as there are a limited amount of tickets.
Entrance is free. We look forward to meeting you!

Important: due to a small technical bug you are not able to book a ticket when you are logged in to your account, we are working on fixing the issue. To book a ticket, log out of your profile -> book a ticket -> and use the same email as your account. Next to getting the ticket via email, your ticket will automatically be added to your account. You may also find it in the Freelancer Talk app under the ‘My Tickets’ tab.

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12 maart 2022 18:00 - 23:00(GMT+02:00)


Café Belcampo

Hannie Dankbaarpassage 10

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