Amsterdam Fringe Festival: About dance, Fireflies and the end of the world as we know it
Evenement Details
About dance, Fireflies and the end of the world as we know it is a dance-and-spoken word performance linking the crisis of Modern times
Evenement Details
About dance, Fireflies and the end of the world as we know it is a dance-and-spoken word performance linking the crisis of Modern times to Dance as a useless phenomenon. While Modernity encourages progress, production and waste, leaving no space for the “in-between”, Dance appears as a purposeless dynamic image. But is it? The role of Art in neoliberal western societies puts Dance into question, leaving it to its own defense by triggering imagination. This lecture-performance invites you to think and watch along, being a part of a visually and emotionally stimulating landscape of ironic scenarios, where Words and Dance coexist in the utility of the useless.
“Yes to imagination. Yes to spectacle. No answers here. See us dance. Let there be darkness and fireflies to give us a signal in the night”.
About dance, Fireflies and the end of the world as we know it will be performed at Belcampo Loft on september 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th.
Concept: Sandra Kramerova, Jordi Ribot Thunnissen
Choreography: Sandra Kramerova
Text: Jordi Ribot Thunnissen
Dance: Anastasia Kostner, Sandra Kramerova, Jordi Ribot Thunnissen
Costumes: Hayley Adams
Music: Jon Lloyd, Denisa Uherova and others; Voice over: Patti Bradshaw
Lighting Design: Boaz van den Ban
Pictures: Sjoerd Derine
Graphic Design: Domi Kramer Design
8 september 2019 21:00 - 21:50(GMT+00:00)
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Hannie Dankbaarpassage 10
(in Tramremise de Hallen)
1053 RT Amsterdam
020 30 32 886
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